Well, hello there!

I'm Holly Robison, and my mission is to empower you as an entrepreneur while prioritizing your self-care throughout your journey.

I'm Holly Robison, and my mission is to empower you as an entrepreneur while prioritizing your self-care throughout

your journey.

We're the ones who live on the fringes and push up against extra boundaries as we build our businesses.

Be it due to chronic illnesses, neurodivergence, disabilities, or other forms of marginalization, I specialize in guiding outlier entrepreneurs towards business success -- and understanding many of their unique challenges from a place of genuine experience (well, as much as an ADHD, chronically ill, middle-aged white woman can).

I offer tailored strategies, support, and tools to help turn systemic boundaries into business strengths, ensuring other Entrepreneur Outliers thrive.

Through the Entrepreneur Outliers offerings, adversity is transformed into support and opportunity, setting the stage for sustainable success.

My journey with chronic illness started in the early '90s when I contracted Lyme Disease, and since then life's added Fibromyalgia, CFS, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, an ADHD diagnosis in my 50s, and a few other unexpected guests to the list.  But for as long as I can remember, I've known I'd have my own business someday. Little did I know that I'd become a serial entrepreneur.

I began teaching yoga in 2008, and in 2011 I created a 200-hour yoga teacher training program.  After that, for six years I ran a vibrant yoga studio, juggling the demands of being a solopreneur with the joy and chaos of raising three amazing kids – all while dealing with the ups and downs of Lyme flares, doctor appointments, and physical limitations.

Then came the curveball called COVID-19, which led me to pivot toward the digital realm. I birthed an online wellness membership and crafted a wellness course, Rituals For Longevity.

Now, my passion has evolved into something bigger: I want to share the knowledge and insights I've gained on my journey and ignite a global community of Entrepreneur Outliers -- helping us all find success and balance on our terms.

Join me, and let's redefine what it means to lead and succeed.

Part of me being an Entrepreneur Outliers includes teaching online gentle stretching classes each week. In those classes, we sit down and lay down -- no sweating, no standing, just

mellow goodness.

Wanna join in the relaxation party? Fill out the form below to have my class schedule emailed to you each Sunday.

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